Monday, June 9, 2008

The Realization of Depression

I’ve deprived my eyes the freedom to cry.
I lost sense of the reasons I had..
My time was consumed with illusion,
A space,
A gap for another deception
And here it comes again.
The denied emotions,
The depression

Its 7 am my body is an anchor,
I refuse to get up.
Its 10:30 am. I’m still in bed.
Two minutes after I get up,
With no cause,
False accusations in my head

I refuse to run,
I don’t want to eat.
But I have to force myself,
Since I have a purpose to live

I can’t be controlled by these emotions,
I can’t allow them to run my life.
But I know I must cry
I need to vent.
Even though it’s hard to show my weakness
It brings me back down to earth,
And tells me I am human.

It tells me to be aware of this depression.

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